Monday, 17 June 2013

Back-Up Your Data, Now!

At PC Partners we are constantly advising our customers to back-up their data.  The complete loss of pictures, documents and music due to hardware failure can be a real shock.

First of all, let's remind ourselves of what a back-up really is. It's a copy of your data in TWO or more places. It is not a transfer of data to an external storage device that removes it from the original location - unless you are making two or more copies on different devices in separate physical locations.

Even back-up devices can fail and, if you only have one data copy on one device, the risk of losing everything remains the same.

You can back-up to various devices such as an external hard drive, USB memory stick, online cloud-based facilities or optical storage (cd's, dvd's etc.). There are other devices, but you get the idea.

I don't intend to discuss the merits of each device, but I do want to stress that ANY back-up, on ANY device is better than nothing.

Wherever you choose to store your data, make sure you do it regularly. Once a week for the light home user, or everyday for the heavy data generators (authors, etc).


Always keep a copy off-site. That is, with a neighbour, a relative or at work.
Accidents can happen - fire, flood, children, parents and dogs have all been known to destroy precious data.

Make your back-up NOW and sleep better at night.

If you think you have lost data, visit our data recovery page, we can help.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Can't Like or Dislike Youtube Videos Anymore?

A recent update by Google has made it seemingly impossible for some users to like or dislike Youtube videos.

The answer is that from now on, you will only be able to like or dislike after you have watched the whole video! And even then the active thumbs up or thumbs down buttons have moved the to top of the finished video.

Don't like this change? You are not alone. Google seem to be making a habit of upsetting users these days with their seemingly arbitrary meddling. All in the name of making even more profits!