Saturday 16 February 2013

Secure Your Wireless Router

Most people sigh a breath of relief after they have successfully logged their laptop/tablet/smart phone onto the home router...and then forget it. Forgetting it could get you a criminal record! Let me explain.

It is possible IT savvy criminals to hack into your router and visit illegal websites, or perform illegal acts over the web using YOUR internet connection!
As your router has a unique identifying code linking it to you and your address, any illegal activity will be traced to you. Not a very pleasant thought, especially as this could result in an early morning call by the Police!

Can this scenario be avoided? Absolutely. Here's how...

1) Make sure your wireless router has a password. If unsecured (without a password) anyone within range can log in to your router and, at the very least, use your internet connection for free.

2) Your router password should be changed regularly, say once every six months.

3) The password should be cryptic with letters and numbers. Make it 8 characters or more. Avoid using common names.

4) Keep an eye on the router lights. You will notice that several of the lights will flicker madly when you are using the internet. When nobody is accessing internet, the lights should calm down to an odd flicker now and then. If the lights are still very active 30 minutes after the last user has logged off, you may have a hacker.

5) If your internet connection is unusually slow, you maybe sharing the router with an unknown third-party.

6) If you live in our area, PC Partners can help you secure your wireless network. Otherwise, call your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and they will advise you.

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